What is the Army New Parent Support Program NPSP?
The Army New Parent Support Program (NPSP) provides families with a helping hand in the everyday demands of parenthood. The mission of NPSP is to prevent child abuse and neglect. NPSP promotes strong, healthy, and connected military families through programming including play groups, classes, and home visits.
Who is NPSP for?
NPSP is not just for “new” parents. Services are available for expectant parents and parents with young children through three years of age. Additional classes and services are open to families with children of any age. NPSP can be used by military families of any branch of service, regardless of their military status.
What can I do?
- Begin by directing families and other providers who work with military families to this website.
- Discuss the benefits and support that home visiting programs can provide to families. Emphasize how it can build on family strengths, help protect the family from risks, and promote general well-being of the family.
- Provide families with NPSP contact information for their installation. If possible, provide a “warm-handoff”.
- Follow-up with families when you next see them.
Where do I refer families?
Contact information for installations is available here.